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Bolivia Organic Caranavi FTO La Paz Department


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Super sweet caramel, milk chocolate, rounded but heavy body with mild orange acidity in the undertones makes this an extremely balanced cup that is versatile and can be used for drip, cold brew, or a single origin espresso. Probably best roasted to a nice medium.

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryOrganic
  • CountryBolivia
  • Local RegionCaranavi & Apolo Province La Paz municipality
  • ProcessWashed
  • VarietyTypica
  • Altitude (meters)1800
  • Organic CertificationYes
  • Fair Trade CertifiedYes
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $9.25 / lb
Starting at $9.25 / lb
Bolivia: Organic Caranavi FTO, La Paz Department is out of stock.

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raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


The Caranavi is a specialty Bolivian coffee grown by a small group of native coffee farmers known as colonials, on land that is at high elevations rising to 8,500 feet above sea level.

These coffee beans are cultivated in the tropical growing regions of Bolivia below a magnificent forest, coming from 41 small farms averaging about three acres each.

This cooperative is comprised of all indigenous people, that are native to the land on the edge of the Andes mountains and bordering the rain forest and jungle of the Amazon. The land next to their farms is government-protected land, and the indigenous groups have decided to treat their land as if it were protected as well. Most of which have already been certified Smithsonian Bird Friendly, and all of which have been certified Organic.

Cupping Notes: Super sweet caramel, milk chocolate, rounded but heavy body with mild orange acidity in the undertones makes this an extremely balanced cup that is versatile and can be used for drip, cold brew, or a single origin espresso. Probably best roasted to a nice medium. 

Try before you stock up with a 3lb or 5lb sample!!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating 5 Stars
5 Stars March 20, 2022

For me, best coffee ever! Roast into second crack and smooth; roast into first crack and smooth. My second review. First purchased as a sample, returned to purchase more.

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5 Stars March 13, 2022

This has been my fav green bean so far. FC Aeropress or pour over has been smooth.

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5 Stars February 26, 2022

I’m still working on improving my roasting skills, but this is my favorite bean so far.

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5 Stars February 20, 2022

1st time with this being very happy with the product and the shipping time is unbelievable

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5 Stars February 2, 2022

This is one of the best coffees I’ve had… roasted right up to 2nd crack… my new fave.

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5 Stars December 21, 2021

Very bold flavor, perfect roast for a first-time roaster on a stove. Incredibly fast shipping too!

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5 Stars November 27, 2021

Great bean. First time roasting on a Kaleido M2. Easy going with great results. Roasted light to medium. Smooth with slight chocolate notes. Will definitely purchase again.

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5 Stars November 18, 2021

First time purchasing this bean. Roasted on a Gene Cafe roaster into 2nd crack. Had a light oil on bean when done. Sat 4 days in coffee bag with vent. Coffee had a nice chocolate taste. I make lattes and my with does the Melitta filter drip. We both picked up chocolate. I’m not good at the subtle notes, but we really enjoyed this bean.

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5 Stars October 6, 2021

I never knew you could buy green coffee beans. This has been such a cool first time experience. I just received these yesterday and roasted a batch to city plus roast. This is my first time roasting my own coffee and this is by far the best cup of joe I've ever had at home. Smooth, rich and nutty flavor. Not acidic which is a huge plus. I roasted my beans on a cast iron skillet and it wasn't difficult. Know your range, I have a gas stove so the temps get hot fast. I almost couldn't tell I reached the 2nd cracking because once my beans started cracking it was continuous. I stopped roasting when I started noticing some oils. It made a great blend of medium to dark roast. I also want to mention how great the customer service was. My first order was stolen from the packaging. I received an empty envelope and emailed the company. Michelle requested photos of the packaging slip and the package overall. She put in a claim and sent me another batch through UPS. Within a few days, my new package arrived, with the beans!

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5 Stars September 11, 2021

Roasted to around City+ on SR 800. Kinda piling on previous reviews, but yeah, very chocolate-forward. Smooth, rich, not particularly bold. Aftertaste fades rather quickly. Just a really pleasant, anytime-coffee that almost everyone would enjoy.

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5 Stars September 2, 2021

Our favorite. Makes a nice light roast. I do 2 cups or so in an air fryer, for a total of around 15 minutes. Shake and stir it every 1.5-2 minutes. Wait 24 hours, medium grind, pour over at somewhere in the range of 1:12 or 1:15 grounds-to-water ratio. (I've tailored my cup to 25g coffee and 330g water, wife does 20:300). Delicious. Sometimes we mix in 5g or so of other roasts and it changes the flavor in interesting ways. Beans I didn't particularly like add great notes when mixed in with this one. Your mileage may vary depending on your tastes, but for us it's liquid gold. For reference, our previous favorite was Stumptown's house blend.

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5 Stars September 1, 2021

I have always loved Bolivian Coffee [and Yemen] - this is my standard/usual brew @ home [cappuccino mostly]. Roasts up nicely/consistently [to just before 2nd crack] and always yields a nice rich cup - I prefer body and a rich depth of flavor.

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5 Stars August 16, 2021

I roasted it to dark just past second crack, mixed it 3-1 with the Mexican robusta, and then put it aside for about 12 hours. The result is an absolutely delicious blend that has a rich smooth flavor profile and a strong caffeine kick. Some people drink coffee to wake up; this blend will make you wake up to drink coffee. Drinking this fresh-roast Bolivian makes me feel sorry for our fellow coffee drinkers who are still drinking that old, dead, stale, corporate, fancy-label coffee. They have no idea how real coffee is supposed to taste. I plan on ordering more, and making this one of my regular offerings.

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5 Stars August 8, 2021

Thin body with notes of black tea, lemon, and carmel. It is the coffee closest in taste, I think, to an Arnie Palmer drink. I will be buying this coffee on the regular! It’s unique and extremely delicious.

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4 Stars August 4, 2021

Roast it at least into start of second crack and it is as advertised, chocolate and with a caramel finish. Roast it before the second crack and it has nice qualities but overall tastes too raw and unfinished for my tastes. This is based on my experience of 2 consecutive roasts.

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5 Stars July 23, 2021

So smooth and delicious. I roasted this one pretty dark and was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it tasted. Nice creamy finish.

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5 Stars July 7, 2021

Roasting it dark. Your at the supermarket and you buy the dark chocolate bar with the highest cocoa content. That is what I think about when drinking this one.

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5 Stars June 10, 2021

It was pleasant tasting.

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5 Stars May 16, 2021

This is one of my favorite so far. Roasted right before second crack in a Behmor. Smooth, nutty with hints of chocolate.

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5 Stars May 6, 2021

Easy to roast a dependable, satisfying result. It's rich with a lot of crema. After a day or a week it remains consistent. There is no wasting the last bit because it has degraded. I'm roasting with a Behmor for espresso with a Rocket :)

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5 Stars January 27, 2021

I am new to roasting green coffee beans. I am so glad I choose these as my first beans to roast. They are delectable. I can only image I will get better at roasting and the coffee will become even more enjoyable. I also enjoy supporting the CO-OP and FTO.

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5 Stars January 21, 2021

Roasted at City Plus, delicious mild coffee flavors, hints of raisin. Very smooth cup.

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5 Stars January 19, 2021

I keep coming back to this one nice bean. Straight forward to roast and tasty. We mix it with a Columbia for a nice half cafe.

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5 Stars December 6, 2020

Stephen Dunn This is the first batch I have ever roasted and I did it dark. It was great. I will try a lighter roast the second time I try.

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5 Stars November 3, 2020

Excellent quality with a tremendous flavor profile.

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4 Stars October 30, 2020

This bean is my favorite so far. I hardly find any bad or damaged beans in the bag.

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5 Stars October 24, 2020

One of the best beans I have roasted. I use these for making a cold brew concentrate which I then mix with hot water to drink. Seven ounces of roasted beans makes enough for about 12 cups of coffee. I have used other beans from Bolivia and all produce a very robust cup in a 1 to 3 ratio of brew to water. This particular bean is outstanding. As an extra benefit benefit this bean also makes a very good second. I add water back in and let it set for about 12 hours. I get enough for six more cups with about a 1 to 2 ratio this way. And this is also very good coffee.

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5 Stars October 21, 2020

My favorite right now. Such a beautiful almost flawless green bean. Roasts so nicely, at least in the ranges I've tried, which vary between med and med/dark. Wonderful flavor, really. Once I had a small amount left over, so I blended it with the Papua Purosa FTO and it was so so good. Highly recommend.

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5 Stars September 24, 2020

I love my coffee in the morning. La Minata Estate has been my go to coffee for some time. Bolivian Caranavi has found a spot as my favorite when I want a change. Full bodied and flavorful with a slight chocolaty flavor. Full American roast. Try it, you will be more than satisfied.

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4 Stars September 1, 2020

The sweet taste is fantastic. I would recommend blending with an interior bean for higher caffeine content while retaining the great flavor of the bean.

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5 Stars August 19, 2020

I bought this coffee twice and both times it was a great tasting coffee. I roasted the first batch dark right at second crack. That was a bite to dark, the second batch I pulled it off right before second crack and it was perfect. So Medium to dark I found to be a nice roast. Every time I order coffee from here I order a pound or two of La Paz.

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5 Stars August 12, 2020

For those of you venturing into green coffee, start here as this is a reference standard, IMHO. No hint of 'pork', that seems to be present in Bourbon, Blue Bourbon and Blue Mountain varieties.

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5 Stars August 12, 2020

For those of you venturing into green coffee, start here as this is a reference standard, IMHO. No hint of 'pork', that seems to be present in Bourbon, Blue Bourbon and Blue Mountain varieties.

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5 Stars July 16, 2020

Probably the best Bolivian I have roasted. The lack of bitterness is a plus for my taste requirements. Have never been a stickler for letting my beans rest for 24-48 hours as the flavor even a couple of hours after roast is great..a really marked difference from a 2 days rest. My suggestion would be to try a cup a couple hours after roast and compare.

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4 Stars July 9, 2020

This is an excellent bean. Medium to medium dark seemed best to me. A couple of days rest and it makes a delicious cup. Nothing really pronounced in the flavor profile to me, but just an overall nice flavor. Nice aftertaste as well. This is one of my family member's favorite bean so far. I have purchased it twice, and will again.

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5 Stars June 24, 2020

It's very good bean. Roasts up nice and tastes great.

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5 Stars June 18, 2020

This has quickly become one of my favorites! I don't tend to like sweet, almost flavored drips, but this one....the caramel finish at the end is just delightful. I have many customers who are now choosing it over their regular drip. I would definitely recommend this bean!

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5 Stars June 11, 2020

I am neither an expert nor do I know all the terms to describe coffee. But I have been drinking coffee for about 60 years and I know what I like. This bean makes a fantastic cold brew. I use a system that lets me brew a 24 ounce batch of elixir that you use 2 ounces and add either hot water or ice water depending on which you want to drink. The result with this bean as a dark roast, i'm not fond of earthy tastes, is remarkable. It is also great as a regular french press brew. I admit I do tend to prefer a dark roast and this Bolivian coffee is one of the best I have tried.

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5 Stars May 26, 2020

I really love this bean. It has a very nice flavor that stands on its own. It definitely has a bourbon like flavor within its notes. I would highly suggest it.

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5 Stars May 20, 2020

I wanted to try this coffee based on the profile provided by CBC and was not disappointed. This coffee is best with a light roast. It is very smooth, not bitter in any way. As the coffee cools the distinct flavors range from chocolate to slightly citrus with a black tea finish; reminds me of a Gesha almost. I will definitely buy this coffee again.

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