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Hottop B KN-8828B-2K+

Your Price $1,800.00


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Included for free:

  • $25 CBC Gift Certificate
  • 5 Half-pound Valve bags & Roast Log

The Hottop KN-8828B-2k+ coffee drum roaster features dual thermocouples to monitor bean temperature and environmental temperature in real time. The USB port allows computer logging, monitoring, and roast control, giving you complete control over your roast.

Product Features:

  • Manual control of all roasting process parameters
  • USB graphing, logging, and roast control capability
  • Automatic mode begins roast with three button presses
  • Programmable eject points for time and temperature
  • Three user profiles can be saved in non-volatile memory
  • All roast parameters easily saved at the end of the roast cycle
  • Quiet operation - hear the roast, not the roaster
  • High quality stainless steel surface makes cleaning easy
  • Large capacity, heavy-duty stainless steel drum
  • External cooling tray with forced air for fast cooling
  • Large 250 gram to 300 gram capacity
  • 750 watts roasting power
  • Two stage air filter to lessen particulates in smoke
  • Dimensions: 19" x 14" x 10"
  • Weight: 20lbs
  • Includes comprehensive owner's manual
  • Numerous built-in safety features
  • UL approved



Customer Reviews

Average Rating 5 Stars
5 Stars December 29, 2021

I previously had a Gene Cafe for 10+ years. I wanted to move to a roaster that had more controls for roasting. I'm still a novice with the Hottop, but I really like it so far. I can now hear the first and second crack of the beans that I was unable to do with the Gene Cafe because of the hot air blower noise. I haven't yet used the Artisan software for further control of the roasting process, but have been experimenting with the time and temperature on the Hottop. I'm very pleased and would recommend this roaster to anyone roasting their own coffee beans. I really like the fact that you can go with the automatic roasting cycles, like I'm still doing, but can move up up advanced control with the Artisan software when you want.

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5 Stars February 27, 2021

I have been using the Hottop for almost two years now.The expense of the machine is well worth it.You can manually roast or hook up your laptop to control roasting cycle.The roasts are even throughout.It is a very easy machine to clean and parts readily available through Hottops web site.Your maximum roast batch will be 250 grams (9 ounces).Total time on auto for this eighteen minutes including cool down.It's a great roaster doesn't weigh much and takes up little space.Well worth the cost.You will ABSOLUTELY love the coffee this machine roasts.

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5 Stars January 24, 2021

This is my third roaster and my 7th roast on the Hottop. It’s my first drum roaster so my experience is limited. As far as quality goes, I’m very impressed with the “fit and finish” of the machine. Past user reviews give me no reason to doubt longevity. Functionally, it’s as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. I started out using the “auto” mode and was very pleased with the coffee that it roasted. It also allows you to roast manually or program a roast using alarms on the software. It’s a slick application and a very nice link with the dual thermocouples. I enjoy the data aspect of the roast, so the Artisan software hookup was a requirement for me. Had I known that I would become addicted to roasting coffee, I should have started out with the Hottop. However, there are numerous great options for getting started in this hobby. Cleaning will be the biggest downside that I see. This unit gets smoky, and I suspect that the roasting chamber will need a good scrubbing after several roasts. Cleaning between roasts is easy in my opinion. Also be aware that you must let the unit cool down between back to back batches. Happy Roasting!!

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5 Stars June 3, 2020

I've used it twice and I love it. I live in an apartment temporarily and I own a gene. Can't use it because it sits off the fire alarm. This one puts out very little smoke until the very end, which gets sucks out the stove fan and no fire alarm going off. So far i have only used the auto setting and excited about learning more settings. Would recommend to anyone wanting to get into coffee roasting.

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