Kiandu AA
The Kiandu Coffee Factory is part of the Mutheka Coffee Farmer's Society, consisting of almost 6,000 active members. It is situated in Nyeri County in the east of Aberdare ranges and West of Mt. Kenya. The society comprises of 6 wet mills namely; Chorong'i, Kaiguri, Kamuyu, Kigwandi, kihuyo and Muthua-ini with total membership of 4,058 small scale coffee growers.
Processing at the Kiandu wet mill adheres to stringent quality-driven methods. All coffee cherries are handpicked and are delivered. Any underripe or damaged cherries will not be accepted by the "Cherry Clerk";. After being weighed and logged, the weight of the delivery and the farmer's identification are recorded in the Cherry Clerk's register and the cherries are introduced into the hopper to be pulped. Pulping will only begin when a sufficient quantity of cherries has been received. After being weighed and logged, the weight of the delivery and the farmer's identification are recorded in the Cherry Clerk's register and the cherries are introduced into the hopper to be pulped. After pulping the cherries are delivered to one of the factory's fermentation tanks, where it will ferment for between 12 to 48 hours depending on the ambient temperature at the time. After this, the coffee is fully washed to remove all traces of mucilage, during which time it will be graded. The coffee will then either be delivered to dry on the factory's raised drying beds or will be soaked under circulating water for up to 24 hours, depending on if there is room on the factory's beds (during the peak of the season, there is often a backlog). The coffee will dry here slowly over the course of 2 to 3 weeks, during which time it will be turned regularly and covered during the hottest part of the day.
Cupping Notes: Dark dried fruits, syrupy, jammy, berry, currant, melon, citric, winy, tropical fruit, candied orange, pineapple
Try before you stock up with a 3lb or 5lb sample!!