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Mexico Turquesa HG Chiapas


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Milk chocolate, nutty, grape, citrus; medium body, cools sweet

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryConventional
  • CountryMexico
  • Local RegionChiapas
  • ProcessWashed
  • VarietyBourbon, Caturra, Typica and Catua�
  • Altitude (meters)900 - 1,100 masl
  • HarvestDecember - March
  • Organic CertificationNo
  • Fair Trade CertifiedNo
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $9.85 / lb
Starting at $9.07 / lb
As low as $8.64 / lb
raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


This lot comes from a group of smallholder producers in Northern Chiapas. The coffee is brought to the San Cristobal de las Casas and YajalĂ³n buying stations in Northern Chiapas. These producers plant, harvest, and prepare the coffee by hand. Generally, each produces between 10 to 15 bags. To help ensure the producers receive a fair price, InterAmerican works closely with the exporters that support these communities with social projects. The exporters also use their own transportation infrastructure to bring the producers’ coffees to market.

The harvest season is December through March. All the coffee is received in parchment, quality controlled, and transported to a high-tech dry mill in Veracruz. After a second quality check, the coffee is cleaned, milled and sorted to be prepared for export. This coffee has a quality-control standard that allows for only 15 imperfections per 300 grams.

Cupping notes: Milk chocolate, nutty, grape, citrus; medium body, cools sweet.

Try before you stock up with a 3lb or 5lb sample!!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating 4 1/2 Stars
4 Stars May 8, 2022

Love this green bean!

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5 Stars October 19, 2021

Received 1/2# sample for free in CBCs Intl. Coffee Day promotion. About as perfect a daily drinker as you'll find. Inexpensive, a bean any coffee drinker would enjoy. Roasted to City+. What strikes you first is the velvety mouthfeel. So smooth. Not bold flavors, slightly nutty, just a hint of chocolate on the back end. Drank 48 hours after roasting, so more flavors might develop. I'm thinking this would be a good bean to blend with a more expensive one to help defray the cost without negatively impacting the taste, all the while adding to the smoothness of the blend. But again, just a great daily coffee.

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5 Stars October 3, 2021

Love this bean as an every day drinker. It has nice nutty notes which I prefer. It tastes great even when cold. I roast them light and medium.

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4 Stars September 18, 2021

mike terry

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5 Stars May 26, 2021

Coffee speaks for itself. The people that work for CBC are outstanding 👏

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5 Stars May 22, 2021

This is our go to bean of choice. People always asking for more. At light to medium roast it is truly a bouquet of flavors. It makes a nice dark roast as well. Very forgiving, easy to roast. For price and quality, first time or experienced roasters cant go wrong. As always it was shipped quickly, easy to navigate website, customer service is great. Burlap bags are awesome and the grain pro bags have such a great seal that I swear I can smell the farm when I open the bag. Two thumbs up!

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5 Stars April 23, 2021

I ordered me some coffee beans and they arrived very promptly and neatly packaged would definitely order again only if every company was this fast!

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5 Stars April 11, 2021

Took this about 20-30 seconds into the 2nd crack at 240°c on my cheapo Barwell roaster and let it sit for about 24 hrs. Just tried it this morning and I'm truly surprised. For me, this makes a really nice, tasty cup of coffee.

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4 Stars March 27, 2021

its very good

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5 Stars February 17, 2021

My first time trying this bean, will be buying it again.

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5 Stars January 19, 2021

Very nice bean that is an easy roast to City+ on my Gene. Creamy, milk chocolate, roasted nuts and gets better as it cools in the cup. Great breakfast coffee which has a ton of flavor but soft and very buttery.

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5 Stars November 9, 2020

Great coffee, nice and bold with medium acidity but not bitter with a hint of chocolate.

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5 Stars November 2, 2020

Sift graded to yield 50% @ 18/64", 40% @ 16/64" and 10% less than 16/64". Roasted each fraction separately to get excellent control, minimal chaff. One roast at City (1C) was smooth, very citrus, notes of chocolate and nuts. Very smooth not bitter. Second roast at Full City (2C) was most excellent with far more flavors. The citrus muted while the other components developed. Very smooth, sweet, buttery without any bitter. Cools very well.

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4 Stars October 25, 2020

Very good for traditional medium roasted coffee. I'm a light roast person, but this was pleasantly smooth but did have pleasing bitter components. Great full body taste.

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4 Stars October 14, 2020

Nice and smooth with fine subtle notes.

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5 Stars September 18, 2020

This coffee is rich in flavor. It carries a bold taste but never bitter. It roasts incredibly easy and city roast brings out the hidden flavors of the flowery and exotic south. It’s on my top 5 list, for sure.

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5 Stars September 17, 2020

Really smooth. No bitterness.

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