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Sumatra Raja Batak Peaberry Lintong


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
A brisk acidity, heavy body, and sweet and clean with notes of pipe tobacco and cedar and a long, rich finish.

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryConventional
  • CountryIndonesia
  • Local RegionLintong
  • ProcessWet Hulled
  • VarietyAteng, Jember, Garundang
  • Altitude (meters)1,000 - 1,300 masl
  • HarvestMain Crop: October/December; Fly Crop: March/April
  • Organic CertificationNo
  • Fair Trade CertifiedNo
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $8.90 / lb
Starting at $8.17 / lb
As low as $7.74 / lb
raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


Sumatra Lintong Raja Batak: A Premium Coffee Selection

The Sumatra Lintong Raja Batak coffee originates from select producers near Lintongnihuta in Northern Sumatra Province. This region sits on the southern shores of Lake Toba, the world's largest volcanic lake. The volcanic soil creates exceptional coffee-growing conditions. The Lintong Nihuta plateau ranges from 1,000-1,300 meters in elevation.

Small-scale farmers with 2-4 hectare plantations (roughly 1000 trees per hectare) produce this exceptional coffee. Each farmer handles growing, harvesting, and initial processing. After de-pulping, the coffee ferments overnight and is washed the next day. Farmers briefly dry the parchment to remove surface moisture before delivering it to the production facility.

Upon arrival, each batch undergoes a rigorous inspection. Only coffee meeting the highest standards is purchased and placed in greenhouses for drying to approximately 40% moisture. After hulling, the coffee returns to greenhouses for further drying until reaching 12-13% moisture content.

The coffee then travels to a warehouse for another round of inspection and grading, followed by a two-month resting period. Final processing includes selecting out the peaberries, hand-sorting, and preparing for export.

Raja Batak is a premium Peaberry selection and is very limited in its availability.

Cupping Notes: A brisk acidity, heavy body, and sweet and clean with notes of pipe tobacco and cedar and a long, rich finish.

Try before you stock up with a 1/2 pound sample!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating 4 1/2 Stars
5 Stars January 15, 2022

Really nice tasting cup! Roasted just past first crack with dark berry notes up front and caramel on the back. Very smooth. Will order that one again!!

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5 Stars August 31, 2021

This is not for everyone, but there is that funky Sumatran flavor that I'm addicted too. Roasted one light and one a bit darker on a Gene Cafe. The lighter roast is fantastic. The flavor is bold, but not overpowering. Notes of the usual tobacco/earthiness, but with a bit of sweetness.

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4 Stars August 13, 2020

When I bought this coffee quit a few months back it had no reviews on it, so i took a chance and purchased 1lb bag and roasted it with my Behmor coffee roaster. I was very surprised, and really liked this great clean taste. I often brew my coffees with my Bialetti pot which for some.people makes the coffee bitter as it has very little filtration, but I really like the way it brews coffee for me. I will buy this coffee again in future.

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4 Stars May 4, 2020

Definitely taste the hint of cedar and tobacco. Good

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