May 26, 2022
So we mix this with 25% Sumatra Mandeling decaf.
This lowers the caffeine a bit.
But the blend is incredible and I highly recommend it.
I roast at a medium dark roast. The result? A cup of hot cocoa flavored coffee that just can't be beat!
If you like chocolate, you HAVE to try this!
Jonathan Jett
May 12, 2022
My first time trying this blend I roasted it as a medium/dark blend for cold brew or drip. 10g coffee to 100g water is very nice.. my favorite way to use this coffee blend now tho is as espresso. Roast it all the way to 2nd crack and dump it and cool immediately yummy
April 24, 2022
I usually avoid blends, but this one is super. It's mellow and smooth. I'm not refined enough to describe the coffee with more sophisticated adjectives, but I do know what I like. I roast in an hot-air popcorn popper and the 1st crack of the beans is not as loud or distinct as other beans. BTW, I first heard of this blend many years ago from an old W.C. Fields skit called The Diner.
Bub's Daddy
April 7, 2022
Heat gun dog bowled this into dark oily submission, The Fonz would say aaaaay! and give it two thumbs up.
Robert D.
March 4, 2022
Don't let my skepticism dissuade you from buying this excellent blend. The problem is I have been disappointed too many times with advertisements in the nomenclature. For example the word "Sweet" in the name when the bean is everything except sweet. It is just marketing and has nothing to do with the quality of the bean. So, when my purchase did not look anything like the picture it threw up a red flag. In fact there were no yellow beans at all. All the beans looked suspiciously like Java beans. I am not sure, but this might make sense considering that Yemen has laws against marketing with areas that are not predominantly Muslim. For example a Yemen can buy from Hara but not Yirga Cheffe Ethiopia. To my surprise however, this blend did have the lemon cupping notes of Mocha beans. So much so that these beans must have grown under lemon trees and a lemon fell in. I like it. So enjoy! And tell the story about the 18th century sailors.
Jordan Backstrom
February 19, 2022
I don't have enough superlatives to describe this coffee. I haven't roasted a bad coffee from CBC, but this blend sure does deliver on the chocolate notes. This coffee is an easy excellent go-to. Really, buy more than you think you need.
Tim V
January 6, 2022
makes the best early morning latte's
Tim V
December 9, 2021
ever since I bought my Kuerig that whips milk for latte's have been on the search for blend for my morning latte's... this is by far the best I have tried...
John L
November 19, 2021
Roasted to Full City on an SR800. Smooth is the first word that comes to mind. Chocolatey, slightly nutty, just a hint of floral on the back end. Soft mouthfeel, not bold. It's amazing how flavors of different coffees are detected in different areas of the mouth. The chocolate/nutty flavors in this one all appeared first in the front of my mouth, top and bottom. The slight floral taste came on after the other flavors had mostly subsided. Very enjoyable blend for sure.
November 18, 2021
Chocolate taste is great. Really good value for mocha Java. Will reorder this one.
Toady Kay
June 17, 2021
This is a really good espresso blend. I roasted it into second crack and was very pleased with the result. On my reorder list!
William E. Fason
June 9, 2021
I roast it to medium-dark, and then let it degas for four days for a smooth rich flavor. I've brewed it hot with my Bialetti, and also made some cold brew. Absolutely delicious! I plan on keeping this blend in my rotation. I also enjoy telling my customers the back story of how 15th Century sailors picked up Java and then stopped off at the Yemeni port of Mocha to pick up Mocha.
"True Mocha Java is this particular blend," I say. "It's not just any old bag of coffee."
I sell coffee in the re-sealable bags provided by CBC, so opening the bag and letting the aroma of fresh roast fill the air around the customer is a good selling technique.
Robert Stanton
June 6, 2021
Wow! This is just the best. So rich and full of flavor. This will always be in my rotation.
May 7, 2021
I roasted this low and slow, 220-240, just past first crack. Bean color light brown/dull. The flavor is anything but dull! Rich and bold for a light roast. Creamy, smooth, low acidity with notes of nutty, buttery greatness. I brew with ground cinnamon and finish with sweet creamer, while my husband adds milk to his, this only enhances this great blend.
maira concilio
December 13, 2020
Newby here but this is incredible, definitely we are never going back! roasting our own from now on. Thank you for outstanding beans.
September 13, 2020
Wow. I roasted this TMJ 1/3 cup Dark roast and 1/3 cup medium. The dark roast past second crack. Oils after bean rested for 24 hours Medium right past first crack. Course grind and 3 scoops to pour over. OMG! Absolutely perfect chocolate after taste with a smooth balance between a dark/ medium roast. I have tried 4 of the CBC blends. All perfect, but the TMJ.....Excellent! My new favorite will be buying the biggest bag of this for an everyday goto.
Neal c
September 7, 2020
Roasted to a little after 1st crack to light medium color.. good aroma of hazelnut,
dark chocolate.. winey. Minerality. Maybe slight grapefruit, jasmine.. nice body
Elena Constance
August 22, 2020
I have tried many blends/beans from CBC but this one is by far my favorite.
August 17, 2020
Decided to try this on a whim, I've been stuck in an Ethiopia/PNG rut for a year or so and I was getting POed at not being able to find Yemen anymore. This came up just short of blowing my socks off. Chocolately as all heck and very well balanced. It's one of the few coffees I can drink black and not get a sour beer face. Not sure why everyone is roasting it so dark? It shouldn't have any bitter notes whatsoever or very faint behind the chocolate/earthy/fruity notes. I roast in a convection oven and I turned it down to 475 for this, I pulled it very close to finishing the first crack. I hate City/dark/etc. labeling but it's nestled in medium city. Please try it lighter if you're going to full city, you will be somewhere between pleased and shocked at the difference. IMO Craig has it bang on. BTW the best roasters will do this to several levels and blend. And will not tell you the proportions :D