Bodum Bistro Burr Coffee Grinder BodumBistroBurr
Bodum Bistro Burr Coffee Grinder
5 stars
SKU BodumBistroBurr
Retail Price: $99.00

Flavor Profile

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • UPC699965310110
  • MPN10903-913US


The Bodum BISTRO Burr Grinder crushes beans between stainless steel conical burrs rather than slicing them which preserves bean’s intrinsic flavour and aroma and provides a consistent grind; no sharpening required.

  • Push button, pre-set timer allows users to grind the exact amount of coffee needed, keeping beans fresh and preventing waste
  • Adjustable grind allows users to go from Espresso to French Press with ease
  • Colourful, compact, space-saving design pairs perfectly with e-BODUM’s BISTRO collection of kettles and coffeemakers
  • Equipped with a friction clutch, preventing damage to the grinding gear by the presence of small stones
  • Borosilicate glass catcher reduces static cling of coffee grounds
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