Flavor Profile
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Pre-Shipping Verification
Purchasing a Roaster is a big deal so before we ship any Roaster we give our customers a quick call. We want to make sure you have all the information about the product, its warranty, add-on items to make roasting better or easier, and answer any of your questions.
Thanks for ordering with Rancher Wholesale, we look forward to chatting with you soon.
$209 + $15 Gift Certificate + Roast Log & Valved bags
The SR540 roast capacity is 4 scoops (120 grams) and it features an improved control board. All adjustments are made with pushing the knob and turning to adjust the heat, fan, and time. It also features a real-time temperature read out. A quick turn of the knob to the right will display current temperature. There are now 9 levels of heat adjustment compared to having a Low, Medium, and High adjustment. The fan also has a wider range of adjustments, too. Unfortunately, the chaff basket and top lid from earlier SR roasters will not fit on the new SR540. The roasting chamber is a much larger diameter. Users are also able to change the default start settings.
The SR540 is not certified to be sold or shipped into Canada at this time.
All roasters are 120V.
Warranty Information:
*Warranty void if used outside of North America.