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CBC Blend: Ferdelance


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Roast it lighter and enjoy a creamy chocolate espresso drink with a dominant nutty taste, or take it to the limit and get the bittersweet end of the spectrum. Very versatile and quite complex.

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryCBC Blend
  • Organic CertificationNo
  • Fair Trade CertifiedNo
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $7.90 / lb
Starting at $7.22 / lb
As low as $6.79 / lb
raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


Created by Russ as the perfect single shot, our own Ferdelance blend is one of our favorites for espresso––plenty of crema and lots of nutty richness. While its namesake isn’t precisely straight from Central America’s deadly viper, this mix is still high octane, and it packs a potent, complex bite!

It's a potent blend (roasted dark), but also sweet when roasted lighter, and develops a thick crema, even though there is no robusta in it. Deep and rich-flavored with heavy body and the balance you might expect from a blend so long in development.

Roast it lighter and enjoy a creamy chocolate espresso drink with a dominant nutty taste, or take it to the limit and get the bittersweet end of the spectrum. Very versatile and quite complex.

Try before you stock up with a 3lb or 5lb sample!!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating 5 Stars
3 Stars April 16, 2022

Ive been roasting this blend for a few years now, after trying beans from all over the world, this ended up being my do everything go-to-bean, along with Brazil Daterra sweet blue... i dont know if they changed the blend, maybe just a new harvest this year, but this bean blend isn't nearly as delicious as it used to be...

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5 Stars March 27, 2022

First time to roast.

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5 Stars March 20, 2022

My wife andI love it!

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5 Stars December 14, 2021

I have been roasting beans for more than a decade, and decided to try out Ferdelance when my longtime favorite bean was out of stock for many months. The results were outstanding. We use this for espresso shots as well as milk based beverages. Highest recommendation.

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5 Stars October 20, 2021

It's forgiving when over or under roasted. Great crema, very rich flavor

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5 Stars October 7, 2021

This is my go to coffee for my morning espresso. When made as cappuccino or a Latte it tastes like hot chocolate. This is one bean I can consistently roast. My wife even agrees. I sure would like to know the composition of the blend.

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5 Stars September 5, 2021

While I don't drink espresso, the descriptions intrigued me enough to give the Ferdelance a try. Really glad I did. Roasted to Full City, brewed in a Behmor Brazen. I didn't tell my wife what she was drinking so as to get an un-biased impression. The first comment she had was, "it's very balanced". Makes perfect sense, it's a blend. Nothing dominating, just really good. Notes of nuttiness along with a hint of chocolate. Very smooth, nice mouth-feel. Pleasant, subtle after-taste. Great every-day coffee that most everyone would enjoy. A steal at $7/lb.

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5 Stars April 12, 2021

I recently purchased 3 lbs to try out. It came out perfect! The taste was delicious. Roasted to a French roast it was great, also roasted a dark roast batch which was great! I will be buying 10lbs this time! Thank you.

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5 Stars April 11, 2021

I got into coffee roasting with the idea of trying all sorts of coffee varietals. Certainly, I will continue to do that. However...this is my favorite coffee experience recently. It's incredible for both pour-over and espresso. It's great at multiple roast levels. It's a wonderful experience!

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5 Stars December 15, 2020

This is the espresso blend I have been looking for. I love the flavor at a medium roast. Simply delicious.

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5 Stars October 23, 2020

Very smooth and well balanced. I roasted it dark for my Delonghi coffee machine and it tastes great.

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5 Stars August 31, 2020

Fantastic blend that gives a perfect combination of taste, texture and appearance. Was so impressed after my 2nd batch I ordered 25#. I take it to a full city range, let it mellow out 7-8 days and use specifically for espresso.

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5 Stars August 30, 2020

I had been buying my green beans elsewhere...they had a good blend. My last order from them had old beans in the blend. There is little wrong with old beans; except, they have an unfavorable after taste that lingers and I as a customer shouldn't pay full price for them...which I ended up paying! It just didn't seem ethical...I thought I was buying fresh beans. Anyway, I bought this blend and roasted my first batch. It makes an excellent espresso!!! I will buy more!!!

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5 Stars August 28, 2020

This is my first time roasting an espresso blend and I'm really impressed! The taste is just as described - chocolaty, nutty, buttery. Great way to start the day! Can't wait to try several other CBC Blends. I'm sure they're great too.

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5 Stars August 13, 2020

Wow, this is an outstanding cup of coffee!! 1st blend purchase, intending to roast for latte loving drinkers per the description, that ain’t happenin’. Roasted FC in my Behmor 1600 Plus AB 4 days ago, prepared drip in the Behmor Brazen, drank it black & am blown away!! Rich, full-bodied, chocolate, creamy, sweetness in the Carmel feel. I don’t do milk based drinks nor espresso machines ... this is a terrific cup of coffee. Purchased 10#, ordering another 25# now because we’ll go through my initial bag in no time!! CBC has such excellent service to go along with high quality products. Thank You

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5 Stars July 15, 2020

I have never left a review on a coffee bean store. This is m y first time. Once I ran out of my other green beans I decided to buy from CBC. A friend recommended it who doesn't roast or drink coffee anymore but used to buy from CBC all the time. Needless to say I bought my first ten pounds. THIS ESPRESSO BLEND is the BEST blend I have ever tasted!! It is smoooooooth! Not bitter, it is just amazing! I know everyone ends the roast where they like it, and I like mine DARK, so even when I roasted the snot out of it, it came out ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!! CBC will be my go to from now on!!

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5 Stars July 11, 2020

This is my third order! I love this blend! Rich in flavor! Thank goodness it comes in 10lbs! ❤️❤️❤️

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5 Stars July 6, 2020

excellent blend! roasted at FC+, it carries some heavy weight and crema,which is surprising given the look of the beans. Complex flavor, rich body. Molasses and nutty profile.

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5 Stars June 11, 2020

We roasted it dark and mixed it 1:2 with dark roasted Guatemalian. Delicious!

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5 Stars May 13, 2020

In the words of Larry David.. it’s Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good! This Espresso Blend was just what I was looking for. Dark, chocolate, molasses, nutty flavor. Well balanced shot. This blend has awesome crema, that holds up when making lattes cappuccinos, etc. I’ll happily order this again.

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5 Stars May 8, 2020

This is my second 10lb order and it definitely will not be my last! The best espresso blend I’ve tasted. It’s rich and wonderfully flavored! So fresh! And I love roasting my coffee beans.

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5 Stars May 6, 2020

Always keep a bag of this in stock. Always roast between city and full city. My bean dump is between 395 and 399 degrees on a Hottop roaster. Always nice chocolate notes for me. Brew in a Chemex. Also good in a Bialetti Moka pot when brewed slow enough to prevent bitterness; creating an intensified dark chocolate taste. My favorite coffee to drink.

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