February 6, 2022
Roasted start of 2nd crack. The beans swell larger than most. As a drip coffee has a bold earthy aroma. Serves a good base coffee for milk, creamer or flavors. In Southern India often brewed with chicory.
John Neuser
December 18, 2021
I've been roasting for about two years so I'm no expert but this is a nice coffee. Not my favorite, that would be Costa Rican La Magnolia Tres Rios, but really good. I roast everything to "just into second crack". Maybe 20 - 30 seconds on a Behmor 1600. If you are a novice coffee roaster, get this coffee! Why? Glad you asked. Sometimes identifying cracks can be difficult but Indian Mysore leaves no doubt. Both first and second are very easy to hear. Enjoy the cup and keep roasting.
December 18, 2021
This India coffee may just be my favorite coffee I have ever ordered from CBC. I roast it in an air popper half way between 1st & 2nd crack.
The aftertaste is where it's at with this coffee.
October 28, 2021
Duane Bennett
September 20, 2021
These are my favorite beans. Wonderful cup of coffee, never disappoints
John Beck
September 19, 2021
My wife and I like our coffee strong and hearty. I usually roast into the second crack. I can't say anything bad about this one but also can not say it is my favorite so far. Good full body coffee.
April 15, 2021
A very hearty and robust bean. Makes a good addition to blends as well.
April 5, 2021
Light roasted, great everyday coffee. I prefer nutty tones and this coffee hits the mark.
Bertha DeCool
January 22, 2021
Our winter time go-to coffee, just at or into 2nd crack. Lots of spice tones underneath a great full-body coffee taste. Does well in my 1500w original Poppery.
Donna Broyles
January 20, 2021
If you want an absolutely scrumptious cup of coffee with an equally scrumptious aroma buy this coffee, roast it dark x 2 and age it a bit. It’s the best cup of coffee we’ve had.
Duane Bennett
November 14, 2020
This is my go to bean fir my own personal coffee. Love it.
Duane Bennett
October 29, 2020
This is my personal favorite and my regular bean for my household. Excellent flavor medium roasted.
September 26, 2020
Hands down my favorite bean. Never bitter, even when roasted well into second crack
neal c
September 19, 2020
roasted medium light. fruity, roasted nuts. slight bitter minerality, earthiness. lemon, roasted grain, peanut.
neal c
September 14, 2020
This is a great coffee. Roasted to light medium. Mineral, grassy, nice body, rich chocolate. toffee, caramel, some vegetal. some slight acidity, maybe fruits. milk and sugar brings out some nice creaminess, but lose acidity.
September 3, 2020
Roasted just into the first few cracks of second crack. Smooth, with notes of chocolate and spices. Really enjoyed trying this one out.
Steve Musselman
September 3, 2020
This has been my go-to coffee. Rich, smooth, not bitter. I roast to second crack when the oils just barely started to appear, then cool. The oils will exude over time, but frankly we consume within two or three days. If CBC is out, I wait for their next shipment; it’s not worth it to change.
May 20, 2020
This coffee is my favorite so from from CBC, and I've tried about eight different kinds, including Jamaican Blue, which was almost too mild. This India coffee though is not earthy (dried grass smell/taste), and is bright, nutty, with no heavy aftertaste or thick body that clings to the teeth.
Buy more than a 1 pound bag if you buy.