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Fair Trade Organic Green Coffee Beans

Our range of unroasted FTO coffee beans combines two responsible coffee-growing practices that put the coffee growers and the local ecosystem in which they live and grow first. Fair trade organic (FTO) green coffee beans are some of our most popular offerings!

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Popular FTO Green Coffee Beans

  • Ethiopian Organic Yirgacheffe FTO
    If you’re looking to climb a mountain with your first morning sip, this is the coffee for you. One of our boldest, biggest coffees, the Yergacheffe FTO is a great choice for those who love a heavier-bodied coffee. You’ll have trouble waiting for this coffee to cure, because the fresh roasted scents will draw you in immediately. But, the aroma isn’t it’s only strong point, the Yergacheffe is equally complex, bold, and bright. Moreover, you’ll taste flavors of chocolate, sweet honey, fruit, and enjoy a smooth caramel texture. If you’re looking for something bold in your cup, give this coffee a try. It may just become a regular in your morning arsenal.
  • Columbia Organic Sierra Nevada
    This coffee is a favorite staple for many of our roasters. Like other Columbians, you can expect floral and fruity notes. However, this coffee is much lighter in acidity and body than others. You can expect a bright clean cup with sweet chocolate and earthy undertones to compliment the floral notes. At this point, it’s easy to see why this coffee has a high complexity rating. And, you can expect a smooth cup whatever darkness of roast you choose.
  • Mexico Organic Chiapas
    This coffee is grown in the southernmost state of Mexico, Chiapas, which produces more coffee than any other state. And, as Mexico imports more coffee to the U.S. than any other country, you have probably had chiapas coffee before. This particular Chiapas coffee offers a delightfully well-balanced cup. The chocolate and floral overtones carry through to a lovey nutty finish. This coffee has excellent balance and a nice buttery consistency. It’s easy to see why this Chiapas coffee is an overall favorite of many roasters and their friends.
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Fair Trade Certified

8.15 - 12.50

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