Nicholas Forbes
May 21, 2022
I tried a sample of Timor. This went to a 25 lb bag. Then to a 50. I shared this with not only my family, but my colleagues. The coffee did not last as it should have. Amazing what happens when you introduce someone to fresh coffee. I have ordered several other beans as well. This leads to additional blending using the Timor.
I would certainly recommend this to any roaster. Commercial or home. This one is also a good one to blend to fit the flavor notes you might want to add. If I was in the fence whether or not to get some. I would recommend at least a few pounds to try to bring your roast to the flavor you like.
March 10, 2022
My husband is the coffee drinker so I bought this for him. He loves lots of flavor and he says this one is his favorite now.
February 3, 2022
Roasted to medium and pushed toward the start of second crack, cooled quickly. Really like the balance and richness along with how smooth. Distinctly earthy, with slight fruity and even dark chocolate notes. Great black coffee for casual drinking or paired with a pastry.
January 29, 2022
We are using this bean as our seasonal dark roast offering. It roasts beautifully with notes of Chocolate and a slight sweet finish. We are using a profile where we take it just into second crack on our Diedrich IR-5. We did test this out as a medium roast as well, but you could tell something was missing. By taking it more to the dark side we have a lovely sheen and it developed a full mouthfeel and the richness we were hoping for. Our customers are really enjoying it so we just ordered more!
Julie T
January 23, 2022
Delightful flavor roasted just to the darker side of medium. The chocolate flavor, reminiscent of Ghirardelli, is subtle but definitely there and becomes more prominent during the week after roasting. Like Papua New Guinea and Indonesian coffees, this one has a "denser" feel in the mouth which adds to the experience.
November 1, 2021
This coffee bean roasts up so fast and smooth. It’s my favorite in the morning with warm toast.
October 8, 2021
This a good coffee I generally mix it with something like Ethiopian or Vietnamese. Overall very good.
Eric Margolis
July 29, 2021
I favor "island coffees" but most are way beyond my budget. I'm fortunate to have discovered East Timor Maubesse 15 years ago. As Timor-Leste, it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on 20 May 2002, after a brutal war with the Indonesians, and joined the United Nations. First it was hard to find, and there were times of the year when it was not available. The coffee has gotten much better, and reliable since independence, especially in the past decade. I roast it in two batches -- about 1/3 is a full city roast and 2/3rds medium. Maybe because of the earlier issues I buy larger amounts -- about 50 pounds a year from the Coffee Bean Corral. On top of great coffee I hope that it helps the farm economy of Timor-Leste
Annie wilson
June 3, 2021
Tell me how to roast this BEAN
May 12, 2021
I love this bean for espresso blending. Even a small amount can push a blend in an interesting, spicy direction.
Mark van Roojen
April 2, 2021
Nice. I accidentally wound up roasting this darker than intended (don't ask) but it tastes good. In fact it probably benefits from a dark but not too dark roast. I take cream in my coffee and that might be relevant.
Mikke Lindblom
March 23, 2021
Roasted evenly and gave me one of my richest brews yet. I'll be back for more.
David Ross
February 10, 2021
The best bean I've tried so far in my three years of home roasting!
Dave Ross
February 10, 2021
Absolutely delicious, especially when I make a 50/50 blend of medium and full dark roast! Despite what my wife says, I'm going to go through 10 pounds real fast, it's that good!
August 19, 2020
I'm obsessed with this bean right now! Love the full flavor, smooth, bold finish. Reminds me of a Papua New Guinea without the intensity on the palate. Great earthy, peppery flavors and then that chocolate pops in at the end, especially in the blend I currently have it in! So good!