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Colombia Organic Sierra Nevada FTO Santa Marta


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Peach, plum, caramel, maple, date; sweet and clean. Bright acidity, round body.

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryOrganic
  • CountryColombia
  • Local RegionCesar and Magdalena
  • ProcessWashed
  • CertificationsOrganic
    Fair Trade
  • VarietyCaturra, Colombiana
  • Altitude (meters)1,200-1,500 masl
  • HarvestSeptember–December
  • Organic CertificationYes
  • Fair Trade CertifiedYes
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $9.90 / lb
Starting at $9.90 / lb
Colombia: Organic Sierra Nevada FTO, Santa Marta is out of stock.

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raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


This Colombian bean is produced by the ASOBRIS producer association (Asociación de Productores Agrícolas Ecológico y Pecuarios Brisas del Quebradon) in Tolima and Planadas. Though small (42 current members), this association has made great strides in increasing productivity through sustainable agricultural practices, finding new markets for their coffees and improving social conditions not only for their members, but their community as a whole.

The Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, and Typica varieties are cultivated between 1200 - 15000 meters above sea level. Once they’re mechanically de-pulped, they are fermented for 18 to 24 hours. After fermentation, the beans are washed, wet-milled, and initially patio-dried for two weeks before being transferred to solar dryers for consistent moisture removal.

Dramatic changes in temperature (from 90 degrees Fahrenheit to below freezing in a single day), the ecosystem surrounding the volcano Tolima is rich with low elevations and volcanic soil, which holds onto moisture, drains destructive water and facilitates organic drainage, making it amazing for coffee bean plants. Even after 4,000 years since the last eruption, nutrients consisting of potassium, nitrogen, and boron–important for strong cellular walls and flower/fruit production–fill Tolima's volcanic soil, contributing to a hefty coffee tree yield.

Cupping notes: Peach, plum, caramel, maple, date; sweet and clean. Bright acidity, round body.

Try before you stock up with a 3lb or 5lb sample!!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating 4 1/2 Stars
4 Stars May 8, 2022

Nice green bean, roasts very well!

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5 Stars March 26, 2022

It performed amazing and everyone who has had the pleasure of tasting it would know it is wonderful, I pushed it to a full City roast and it tasted amazing.

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5 Stars March 24, 2022

One of my favorites love the taste and fast delivery thank you cbc

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4 Stars February 25, 2022

This coffee satisfies my search for a fine South American brew. I really like the high notes in this bean, which is precisely what I miss when I spend too much time on, say, a Sulawesi (which I like for other reasons, however!). It to me awhile to find the bean that satisfied my taste, and I warmly recommend it to you if you share my pleasure in Central and South American beans.

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4 Stars February 2, 2022

We like this coffee.

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5 Stars January 5, 2022

So I've tried a lot of different green coffee beans, and it was more of a realization my husband and I came to that this is our favorite; we'd always look forward to the Colombia bag. Now this is our go-to coffee, always have it on hand. Been roasting in an SR-800 until about 10-15 seconds into second crack. Has amazing complexity, but not too much of any one flavor. It can be as bold as you want, and it's not acidic. I'll admit that there are definitely some beans that are broken and janky, and it takes a bit of extra time to go through and pick them out, but don't let this deter you. This is a very good bean in my opinion (just got an Aillio Bullet {woohooo} so we will see if anything changes with the different roasting method).

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5 Stars December 1, 2021

When I first opened the bag of this Organic Colombian I was a little afraid of the quality because many beans were damaged and not consistently sized. However, after roasting this to just the start of 2nd crack, the flavor is incredible. This bean has a natural sweetness to it that I haven’t really experienced elsewhere. A very nice body and smoothness to it as well. Just slight enough acidity to give it some life. I’ll buy this one again!

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5 Stars October 30, 2021

Take this to a med roast or a little darker very smooth one of my favorite thank you cbc for ur products and fast delivery

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4 Stars October 28, 2021

This is a very good coffee. Not my favorite, that would be Costa Rican La Magnolia, but very good. What makes this so good is the way it roasts. If you're new to roasting grab a bag of these beans. They have a very recognizable first and second crack with a nice pause in between. I'm using a Behmor 1600 and my initial program is: 1#, P1, D, ++, start. I roast to about 15 seconds into second crack. Give it a try and enjoy.

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5 Stars October 26, 2021

Good coffee. Easy to roast and clearly Columbian.

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4 Stars October 5, 2021

This is a very good coffee. Not my favorite, that would be Costa Rican La Magnolia, but very good. What makes this so good is the way it roasts. If you're new to roasting grab a bag of these beans. They have a very recognizable first and second crack with a nice pause in between. I'm using a Behmor 1600 and my initial program is: 1#, P1, D, ++, start. I roast to about 15 seconds into second crack. Give it a try and enjoy.

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5 Stars September 30, 2021

Dark roasted. I think there's a lot going on here, complex? Nothing that would make me not like it. The description is accurate, lots of nuance, nothing overbearing, nutty, fruity, flowery? maybe, but subtle. Personally If anything I think it's a bit sweet.

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5 Stars September 18, 2021

The coffee bean is smaller and easy to roast. Very good flavor and I would order it again.

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5 Stars July 20, 2021

I like to light roast my coffee. This coffee has a great nutty flavor.

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5 Stars June 25, 2021

I don't know all the fancy terms for coffee, but after six decades or so of coffee drinking I do know what I like. And I like this coffee. I primarily do cold brew these days and brew if in batches. I've done this bean in both medium and dark roastsand both make a very tasty cup of coffee. You can definitely taste the difference between the two. Medium gives me a more fruity taste and dark more of a chocolaty taste. These days I stick to organically grown coffee and prefer to buy beans from the small cooperatives.

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2 Stars June 22, 2021

I ordered this coffee about a month ago, roasted it a few times. I cannot find any redeeming qualities of taste or flavor - it's just boring and bitter no matter how light/dark I roast it.

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5 Stars May 7, 2021

This is a very smooth coffee. I especially enjoy the high notes it offers to blends. I really like blending Columbia with Sumatra, which for me produces a very rich cup of coffee.

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5 Stars May 7, 2021

I roasted tis to a light medium roast and it very wonderful coffee. Made a cup for my neighbor who usually takes cream and sugar. She said she could drink this straight. I use it in an Aero Press.

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5 Stars April 24, 2021

These are great beans for a novice roaster. They roast fairly uniformly with great depth and character. The brew tastes wonderful.

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5 Stars April 15, 2021

Amazing flavor and wonderful quality. Highly recommend!

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5 Stars February 23, 2021

On a scale of 1-10, I really like it and your shipping is prompt.

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5 Stars February 17, 2021

Great tasting and easy to roast.

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5 Stars February 17, 2021

Another very smooth brew with a nice nutty finish.

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5 Stars February 15, 2021

My first time roasting this coffee turned out really great. The flavor is awesome and this coffee is now one of my favorites from CBC!!

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5 Stars January 7, 2021


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5 Stars December 10, 2020

Brewed a pound of this last night to a light roast and split the beans in half and flavored 1/2 as Cherry Chocolate Truffle and 1/2 as Butter Rum. The cherry was amazing and can't wait to sample the butter rum next. I will likely share the Cherry with the family for a great christmas surprise.

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5 Stars November 22, 2020

Colombia Organic Sierra Nevada FTO has become a mainstay of our regular orders. It is rich and very smooth. We are not fans of the sweeter coffees. We like them dark and bold. Each of our orders, we get 5 lb of these beans, and try out some others. We have tried a number of different levels of roast with this one, and have found these beans to be fairly forgiving. We roast in a cast iron wok that came with my grill over a propane burner I use for brewing beer. Which reminds me, I have used these beans in a porter that came out excellent, too!

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5 Stars November 11, 2020

Bold and smooth. Roasted till about 1/2 way of 2nd crack. I usually only drink 1 cup of coffee per day but know I'm doing two.

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4 Stars October 10, 2020

We've been roasting our own coffee for almost 5 years. We eat mostly organic food and grow much of what we eat so we thought " why don't we gat organic coffee?" Our search lead us to Coffee Bean Coral and this is our second order. We roast to Full City as we enjoy strong flavor and this product fits right in . We"ll be back in a few months to get some more.

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2 Stars September 4, 2020

Despite the rave reviews I see here, not at all like other South American/Central American coffees. Similar to East African coffees, with a more earthy, winey, flavor which I do not find appealing. Perhaps CBC calls this flavor "nutty" in the descriptions. Just beware of this. I always equate this flavor with coffee that has gone stale or has oxidized. Everyone has their like and dislikes. Maybe this batch is atypical?

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5 Stars August 27, 2020

A solid Colombian bean for everyday drinking. Taken to a full city+ or Vienna roast made for pleasant drinking black, with balanced acidity and a mild chocolate aroma. I'd recommend this as an excellent modestly priced bean to bulk up on for home roasting.

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5 Stars August 9, 2020

Great coffee bean, roast well: I do it just pass the first crack for me and my husband likes it just pass the second crack, nice brightness.

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5 Stars August 2, 2020

Love this one.

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5 Stars July 15, 2020

Great tasting bean. I would buy it again.

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5 Stars July 9, 2020

I have tried about a dozen different varieties of beans so far. This one is my favorite. Very distinctive flavor profile. It is very complex, with a lot of different flavors going on in the cup. Somewhat fruity I would describe it. It has a strong and pleasant aftertaste. Keep it lighter than dark roast, it loses complexity at darker roasts. City plus to full city for me. Any time I think of this this bean I want to drink some. Absolutely delicious!

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5 Stars July 7, 2020

Whenever and wherever possible, I try to stick with organic coffees or those that are labeled RFI (Rain Forest Initiative), and FTO (Free Trade Organization). I just believe these are better tasting and better for you from a healthy perspective and better for the workers and sellers to the buyers. Colombian coffees have long been a favorite coffee among many people and especially as a breakfast coffee. I roasted a pound of this yesterday 7/6/20 (on our anniversary), and the aroma was wonderful. I'm impatient and even though one should wait anywhere from 24-48 hrs. to grind and brew, and this does make a difference. I just cannot wait that long. :) Ground and brewed a pot yesterday afternoon and another this morning. Honestly, I could not tell the difference. This is a GREAT morning coffee! Smooth and delicious and what one expects from Colombian coffee. Have not had this in a bit. Glad I ordered it! It is many people's favorite coffee of all and perhaps the most recognised? It is a good thing to have a variety of coffees and when you return to your favorite, your taste buds wake up and scream with delight, THANK YOU!!! :)

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5 Stars July 1, 2020

I am just beginning to learn how to roast coffee. I'm using a Poplite Hot Air Popcorn Popper. I chose this variety because I have always enjoyed Columbian coffee and it's organic. So far the flavor has been consistent. I count on that as I experiment with time and temperature and how they affect the flavor. I haven't roasted a batch that I didn't like.

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5 Stars June 10, 2020

I just started home roasting. So far I enjoy the flavor of this bean. It has an inviting aroma and a little bit of texture too.

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5 Stars May 8, 2020

Coffee is very nice and smooth. Has very little chafe when roasting . Will probably purchase again.

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5 Stars April 15, 2020

Just skillet roasted and it's great!!

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5 Stars March 23, 2020

This is a great coffee. I have enjoyed it immensely at about a city roast just at the start of the second crack and would recommend it and plan on making it a staple.

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