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Haiti Marre Blanc Central Plateau


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Three hand chosen varietals that provide smooth coffee, with balanced natural sweetness and floral notes. Heavy almond and peanut flavors, buttery mouthfeel, smooth floral acidity. Strong sweet undertones bring a balanced creamy body.

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryConventional
  • CountryHaiti
  • Local RegionCentral Plateau
  • ProcessWashed
  • VarietyTypica, Blue Mountain, Bourbon
  • Altitude (meters)1,300 - 1,600 masl
  • HarvestDecember - March
  • Organic CertificationNo
  • Fair Trade CertifiedNo
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $12.00 / lb
Starting at $11.12 / lb
As low as $10.69 / lb
raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


This coffee is from Coopcab which has three sub cooperatives at different elevations. Blue Pine, Marre Blanc, and Gwo Chwal. Each sub cooperative has around 400 members. Coopcab is the largest cooperative in Haiti, and typically sells coffee to Japan. This coffee is Shade Grown which is a rarity in Haiti, as most areas are much deforested. The President of Coopcab, oversees all coffee processing to ensure consistency for each of the sub cooperatives. Our trading partner, Café Kreyol, partners directly with the cooperative, but also has their own personnel on the ground in these areas to ensure sustainability and quality control on the farm and cooperative level. Cafe Kreyol is currently working with the cooperative to assess the profitability of members/ growers to ensure further financial sustainability.

Cupping score: 87

Cupping notes: Hand chosen varietals that provide smooth coffee, with balanced natural sweetness and floral notes. Heavy almond and peanut flavors, buttery mouthfeel, smooth floral acidity. Strong sweet undertones bring a balanced creamy body.

Learn more about Haitian coffee beans with our coffee guide!

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Customer Reviews

Average Rating 5 Stars
5 Stars August 14, 2021

Loving the Haitian coffees. A whole new level of smoothness and mouth-feel. To me, besides being smooth, rich, and full-bodied, the Marre Blanc had a delicious dark chocolate taste, which surprised me a little based on the cupping notes. Roasted it to about City, which seemed about right for this bean. No need to go any darker, as it doesn't taste acidic at all at City, and going darker may actually mask some of the delicious flavors.

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5 Stars May 16, 2020

This is by far the closest to Jamaica Blue Mountain beans - well balanced with a tint of sweetness, strong but not bitter (perhaps stronger than JBM), lingering in the mouth for a long time after you drink it. I roasted to the level of full city and used three methods - pullover, espresso and ice-cold brew to compare head-to-head with JBM, it does not stop surprising me. The best analogy, if you are also a wine drinker, this Marre Blanc is like top Napa Cabernet Sauvignon - powerful, strong, with a great after taste.

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5 Stars April 16, 2020

Albert L Latimer

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