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Costa Rica La Minita Estate Tarrazu


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Brilliant acidity, a medium body, and sweet flavors of orange citrus, caramelized sugar, and fine chocolate. It is impeccably balanced with a long, satisfying finish

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryConventional
  • CountryCosta Rica
  • Local RegionTarrazu
  • ProcessWashed
  • VarietyCaturra
  • Altitude (meters)1,143 - 1,524 masl
  • HarvestMarch - May
  • Organic CertificationNo
  • Fair Trade CertifiedNo
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedYes
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Retail Price $9.50 / lb
Starting at $8.74 / lb
As low as $8.31 / lb
raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption


Each coffee parcel differentiates from its neighbors by having its own micro-climate, but the Costa Rica La Minta is not combined with any other farms in a cooperative scenario. Each coffee is milled by itself to maintain integrity, and workers only pick cherries when they have fully ripened. The farm uses acclaimed gardening techniques all by hand.

The La Minita Tarrazu sports beautiful honeysuckle-like blossoms after the initial rain and its birthplace is considered one of the best coffee origins in the world. A Rainforest Certified Alliance coffee, these beans come with the guarantee of a better life for the people and land it comes from––better infrastructure, a more sustainable ecosystem, farming education, and gender equality. Estate owners watch over every process to ensure every bean you roast reaches perfection.

Cupping Notes: Brilliant acidity, a medium body, and sweet flavors of orange citrus, caramelized sugar, and fine chocolate. It is impeccably balanced with a long, satisfying finish.

Try before you stock up with a 3lb or 5lb sample!!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating 5 Stars
5 Stars May 13, 2022

My favorite bean by far....daily drinker. FC 6:30 and call 8:30ish. I've brewed an hour after roast and up to a 7 day rest....all good brews. CBC great source....thanks

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5 Stars May 3, 2022

Truly delicious coffee. I take it into a few seconds into second crack somewhere just shy of 10 minutes into the roast using a dedicated profile of drying, yellowing and roasting. This bean roasts perfectly. I recently read information on the estates website at Neighbors love it too. :)

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5 Stars April 1, 2022

I haven’t roasted these beans yet, but I’m most excited about them. I’ve read such high praise about them and am looking forward to roasting, cupping, and drinking it once I get a better handle on operating my Fresh Roast SR800 and Razzo chamber.

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4 Stars March 14, 2022

Took these to FC and really enjoyed the cleanness of the cup. The pour over proved to bring out the brightness of the citric acid (orange-like), and overall sweetness IMO, while the espresso was more balanced with the dark chocolate notes. Also got out the mokapot for one cup and the aroma was surprisingly strong-yet-pleasant. While it may not have blown me away, I did enjoy it very much.

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5 Stars February 20, 2022

Roasted these to med-dark just before second crack and let them degas for 4 days. A very smooth, chocolaty and caramel sweet finish with only a hint of citrus. Consistent beans, low chaff and easy to roast. I love this coffee and it will be one of my regulars! Thanks Coffee Bean Corral for the useful and accurate description of the attributes for each coffee bean. This is super helpful for a newbie to the roasting world.

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5 Stars February 20, 2022

This by far one of my go to coffees and The beans from Coffee Bean Corral are of extremely high quality. I roast this to just a bit past first crack and let it rest for a couple days. The flavors are extraordinary. I’m very impressed so I ordered more !!!

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5 Stars February 3, 2022

Nice smooth cup with a caramelly finish at City+. Great stuff!

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5 Stars February 2, 2022

Makes really good coffee.

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5 Stars January 19, 2022

This coffee is well balanced with a citrusy and smooth flavor in a med+ roast. The sweet chocolate finish is very enjoyable. You can't go wrong roasting these beans. The aroma in the bag calls you but wait 3 or 4 days to degas. Great beans even to 2nd crack.

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5 Stars January 12, 2022

Well balanced… I love the finish! I always want another cup. Great coffee.

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5 Stars January 9, 2022

This is a wonderful coffee. I usually wait a day after roasting before grinding and brewing to get the full impact of the beans. This is a very rich and complex coffee, with a great finish. Much better than the "Magnolia" in the La Minita family.

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5 Stars November 26, 2021

This is an update to my review on Nov. 22. I did roast up to a medium (full city) roast profile and am very happy with the results. Even after resting for only two days the flavors are more pronounced than the light roast, with a pleasing aroma, and combination of nutty and caramel flavor profiles. I am by no means an expert roaster but this coffee seems like it may have great range of roast levels. It has very low chaff and the final result produces extremely attractive beans. Should make a good stocking stuffer for friends.

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3 Stars November 22, 2021

I have only roasted one150g batch. At light roast, it has a pleasant balanced taste, but not much body or complexity. I am going shoot for a medium dark roast on the next batch to see if I can coax more body/ and complexity out of the beans.

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5 Stars October 1, 2021

Roasted to second crack, this coffee is delicious. They sell Costa Rican La Minita at my local coffee shop for $20, I loved that too, but freshly roasted is far better!

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5 Stars September 12, 2021

One of my all time favorites. A consistent great cup of coffee. Takes a variety of roasts. Highly recommended.

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5 Stars August 19, 2021

I love this coffee. I roasted medium dark which is wonderful. In this wonderful coffee I felt aroma, chocolaty and sweetness. No need to add syrup.

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2 Stars August 12, 2021

Not a fan. Just doesn't have the body and smoothness that I like. Apparently, I need to take it a bit past 2nd crack. No rush to experiment.

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5 Stars August 5, 2021

Gonna be another favorite

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5 Stars July 28, 2021

This coffee is awesome

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5 Stars June 29, 2021

This is my first roast. Got the Nuvo ceramic stovetop roaster thingy. I don't have time for that. I'll be roasting for years. I drink coffee. Not make it half my life. So I got that Whirley Pop thing and it's amazing. Anyhoo...this is a fantastic coffee for noobs. Seriously. It's easy to roast and has fantastic colors as it roasts. Went to first crack, and when you drink it, it's like crack. The caffeine level is no joke. Can't wait to make my next order.

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5 Stars June 22, 2021

So hard to find Costa Rica at all these days. Much less these...these beans are gorgeous. Hardly any chaff. Roasting into 1st crack (using swissmar/alpenrost @ 3 or 4 depending) these made for yummy yummy espresso shots.

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5 Stars May 30, 2021

I home roasted a batch, half City, half Vienna. After seven days, the City roast had a cedar-like, slightly spicy aroma, a nutty chocolate flavor with an overall light body and pronounced acidity. The Vienna roast had an aroma of chocolate and orange citrus, more chocolate and burnt sugar in the flavor with more body and less acidity than the light roast. A 50/50 blend of the two was magic! The aroma had a chocolate/cedar/pipe tobacco thing going on, subtle fruit, big chocolate/caramel flavor with a lingering sweetness through the finish and the perfect balance of body and acidity. The Tarrazu region is really is the Costa Rican “cream of the crop”. The coffee was ground medium fine on a Cuisinart burr grinder and brewed on an Aeropress.

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5 Stars May 9, 2021

Excellent service and coffee.

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5 Stars April 24, 2021

Costa Rica coffee is our favorite.

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5 Stars April 19, 2021

I am a new roaster. I have liked these beans from others and wanted to try myself. Roasted to just after the start of second crack. What a beautiful cup of coffee these made this morning!

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5 Stars March 28, 2021

Ordered a pound sample and loved it so entered a 10 pound order.

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5 Stars March 27, 2021

Magical bordering on transcendency. Costa Rica for the palate but La Minta for the heart. Coffee is for the mind, freshly roasted for love and knowing. Destination worlds unknown, embarking daily with this powerful cup.

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5 Stars March 19, 2021

Received a sample pack of La Minita among a few other CBC beans as a gift along with an SR540 to begin home roasting. First time roaster, and these beans have me hooked. I ended up close to a Full City / early second crack and could not be happier with the resulting brew.

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5 Stars January 20, 2021

I've ordered this bean before, and was very pleased with it. My day to day is the La Magnolia. La Manita is not quite as robust, and has an excellent flavor. I like darker roasts. I've mixed these beans as 50/50 batches of 2nd crack start, and 2nd crack end plus 2 minutes @ 415 F. This seems to capture more of the flavors than just the ones present past 2nd crack. I like to use these beans for family gatherings, and special occasions. Used an E Gift certificate to stock another 5 lbs. I will always keep these beans in my stock, right next to La Magnolia.

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5 Stars December 26, 2020

Wonderful coffee. It is superb whether roasted light, dark, or any level between. Smooth, delicious, a pleasure every time.

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5 Stars December 16, 2020

I bought this based on the reviews and the text for the bean... Not wrong at all. This is a great cup! I roasted mine up to a medium dark. Superb aroma and flavor! Low chafe. This stuff is wrecking me for any store bought coffee. Major win here! Fruity, sweet, floral... Love it.

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5 Stars December 13, 2020

As billed in a medium roast!! Roasted this for Christmas presents and can’t wait to hear the reviews! I will be ordering this one again!

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5 Stars December 9, 2020

This coffee is just amazing! I like many different coffees but this is like eating prize candy. I roasted it 2 min. after first crack, and let it out gas for two days. I just couldn’t leave it alone you get what you pay for. 5 stars for me !

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5 Stars November 15, 2020

Roasting your own beans truly provides a good example of how doing things at home from scratch can lead to cool experiences. The description above with respect to medium body, with its flavors and finish is spot on. I have been ordering from this company for years now and its been a great experience, and great coffees.

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5 Stars October 17, 2020

Absolutely outstanding coffee once you get your roasting dialed in.

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5 Stars September 29, 2020

This variety is at its best when dark roasted. Very smooth with no aftertaste. I'm a dark roast lover, and I did not like the taste when I brown roasted La Minita

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5 Stars September 24, 2020

I ordered this one in the past and it was amazing. This time around it did not let down. Lighting strikes again!

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5 Stars August 18, 2020

Low acidity and very smooth. It is my go to for everyday.

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5 Stars July 28, 2020

I bought based on the very positive reviews posted and it did not disappoint. I like my coffee beans dark roasted and the dark roasted La Minita bean is absolutely superb. I will say that I didn't like the taste when I roasted to a lighter brown color.

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5 Stars July 9, 2020

I finally got back around to working on finding a good roast profile for this one again. First time was good but not GREAT and I set it aside a while. City+ seems to be the sweet spot where it has near perfect balance. For a small bean it surprisingly needed an extended drying phase like a big Kenya AA. Not a wild-and-crazy-knock-your-socks-off-and-jolt-you-out-of-bed kind of coffee, more like a sip-on-it-slowly-while-reading-a-book kind of coffee because the longer it sits in the cup the sweeter it gets, and to me it is relaxing to drink. Tarrazu is one of my all time favorites but I haven't had a good cup of Tarrazu in decades until now.

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2 Stars June 26, 2020

I've been roasting my own coffee for about 15 years and especially enjoy coffees from Central America. I bought 10 lbs of this coffee with high hopes after reading the tasting notes. So far I'm disappointed. I've tried a medium light roast which I usually prefer and a medium-dark roast. Neither have brought out much flavor that I can sense. At best ordinary at least as far as my senses are concerned.

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4 Stars June 15, 2020

Costa Rican Tarrazu has been my go-to coffee for years. Got imprinted by La Minita many moons ago. Don't know if my taste buds have improved but La Minita, as good as it is (and it is very, very good), just doesn't seem as outstanding as it was five to ten years ago. When I served it, friends became immediate converts. Still and all, this is a top ten, daily drinker. Tarrazu has a reputation for being 'just too non-descript, too straight forwardly good'. This crop is no exception. Roast easy, let it sit for two to three days and it. is. good. Not great, but very good.

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5 Stars June 7, 2020

It has been a life long favorite. Balanced in body and flavor I prefer to bring it just up to a City Roast. There are many coffees that are over valued. I have always thought La Minita Tarrazu was under valued. The multiple orders I have received from CBC have been consistent.

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5 Stars May 27, 2020

Great coffee. One of my all time favorites.

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5 Stars May 20, 2020

The coffee is wonderful, smooth and flavorful. Coffee Bean Corral's service is impeccable! What a great buying experience!!

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5 Stars April 29, 2020

I have come back to Costa Rican coffee after circling the globe (of coffees). I am blending this with Ethiopian to give it a little more acid and more chocolate flavors. Still, Costa Rican is the base coffee in the blend, and the best.

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5 Stars April 25, 2020

Costa Rican Tarrazu is my go to bean and this is my favorite to share with friends. I roast to a medium roast to get the full aroma from the bean.

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5 Stars April 15, 2020

I roast at least 50 pounds of this coffee a year. I also roast Kona and Jamaican Blue Mountain Peaberry as gifts for family and really good friends but my wife and I prefer the La Minita Tarrazu over these more well known and more expensive varieties. Overall a great coffee, My family members who have been getting the more well known premium coffees and visit us now are requesting the La Minita instead. My order quantity as risen from 10 pounds a time to 25 pounds. Highly recommended!!!!

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5 Stars April 13, 2020

Very balanced and smooth. Could drink this at any time of the day. I definitely can taste the lemon hint that others refer to. Tastes very well when prepared with an authentic Costa Rican chorreador, although I'm sure that any pour-over method would extract the flavors nicely as well

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